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Английский Этимологический словарь - scan


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- 14c., "mark off verse in metric feet," from L.L. scandere "to scan verse," originally, in classical L., "to climb" (the connecting notion is of the rising and falling rhythm of poetry). Sense of "look at closely, examine" first recorded 1550. The (opposite) sense of "look over quickly, skim" is first attested 1926.
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См. в других словарях

  hum. gen. abbr. Sequence Comparison ANalysis Program univ. abbr. Student Community Action Network file ext. abbr. Thunderscan image file Bitmap graphics law abbr. State- Controlled Area Network law abbr. Suspected Child Abuse And Neglect gen. bus. abbr. System For Convection Analysis And Nowcasting ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v scanned, scanning 1 to examine an area carefully, because you are looking for a particular person or thing  (He scanned the horizon ahead, but there was no sign of the convoy.) + for  (The police scanned the whole area but found no trace of her body.) 2 also scan through to read something quickly in order to understand its main meaning or to find some particular information  (I scanned the page quickly for her name.) 3 if a machine scans an object or a part of your body, it passes a beam1 (16) of electron1 (16) s over it to produce a picture of what is inside  (All luggage has to be scanned at the airport.)  (- see also scanner (1)) 4 if a machine or instrument scans an area it searches it with radar or sonar  (The ship scanned the area ahead for enemy submarines.) 5 technical a) poetry that scans has a correct regular pattern of beats b) to find or show a regular pattern of beats in a poem or line of poetry  (- see also scansion) ~2 n 1 the act of scanning something 2 a test done by a scanner (=special machine for producing a picture)  (a brain scan) 3 an image of an unborn baby, produced by a scanner  (The scan showed the baby was normal.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (scans, scanning, scanned) 1. When you scan written material, you look through it quickly in order to find important or interesting information. She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers... I haven’t read much into it as yet. I’ve only just scanned through it. VERB: V n, V through n • Scan is also a noun. I just had a quick scan through your book again. N-SING 2. When you scan a place or group of people, you look at it carefully, usually because you are looking for something or someone. The officer scanned the room... She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul... He raised the binoculars to his eye again, scanning across the scene. VERB: no passive, V n, V n for n, V prep 3. If people scan something such as luggage, they examine it using a machine that can show or find things inside it that cannot be seen from the outside. Their approach is to scan every checked-in bag with a bomb detector. VERB: V n • scanning ...routine scanning of luggage. N-UNCOUNT 4. If a computer disk is scanned, a program on the computer checks the disk to make sure that it does not contain a virus. (COMPUTING) The disk has no viruses–I’ve scanned it already. VERB: V n 5. If a picture or document is scanned into a computer, a machine passes a beam of light over it to make a copy of it in the computer. (COMPUTING) The entire paper contents of all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers... Designs can also be scanned in from paper. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed into/onto n, be V-ed in/on 6. If a radar or sonar machine scans an area, it examines or searches it by sending radar or sonar beams over it. The ship’s radar scanned the sea ahead. VERB: V n 7. A scan is a medical test in which a machine sends a beam of X-rays over a part of your body in order to check that it is healthy. He was rushed to hospital for a brain scan. N-COUNT: usu with supp 8. If a pregnant woman has a scan, a machine using sound waves produces an image of her womb on a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Etymology: Middle English ~nen, from Late Latin ~dere, from Latin, to climb; akin to Middle Irish sceinnid he springs, Sanskrit skandati he leaps  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to read or mark so as to show metrical structure ~ poetry  2. to examine by point-by-point observation or checking:  a. to investigate thoroughly by checking point by point and often repeatedly a fire lookout ~ning the hills with binoculars  b. to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item ~ the want ads looking for a job  3.  a. to examine systematically (as by passing a beam of radiation over or through) in order to obtain data especially for display or storage ~ned the patient's heart radar ~s the horizon ~ the photos into the computer  b. to pass over in the formation of an image the electron beam ~s the picture tube  intransitive verb  1. to ~ verse  2. to conform to a metrical pattern this poem ~s well  Synonyms: see scrutinize  • ~nable adjective  II. noun  Date: 1706  1. the act or process of ~ning  2. a radar or television trace  3. an image formed by ~ning something: as  a. a depiction (as a photograph) of the distribution of a radioactive material in something (as a bodily organ)  b. an image of a bodily part produced (as by computer) by combining ultrasonic or radiographic data obtained from several angles or sections ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (scanned, scanning) 1 tr. look at intently or quickly (scanned the horizon; rapidly scanned the speech for errors). 2 intr. (of a verse etc.) be metrically correct; be capable of being recited etc. metrically (this line doesn't scan). 3 tr. a examine all parts of (a surface etc.) to detect radioactivity etc. b cause (a particular region) to be traversed by a radar etc. beam. 4 tr. resolve (a picture) into its elements of light and shade in a prearranged pattern for the purposes esp. of television transmission. 5 tr. test the metre of (a line of verse etc.) by reading with the emphasis on its rhythm, or by examining the number of feet etc. 6 tr. a make a scan of (the body or part of it). b examine (a patient etc.) with a scanner. --n. 1 the act or an instance of scanning. 2 an image obtained by scanning or with a scanner. Derivatives scannable adj. Etymology: ME f. L scandere climb: in LL = scan verses (from the raising of one's foot in marking rhythm) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сканирование; поиск; просмотр; рлк тж обзор сканировать; осуществлять поиск, просмотр или обзор 2) цикл сканирования; рлк тж. период обзора 3) связь, вчт. опрос опрашивать 4) развёртка развёртывать 5) период развёртки 6) рлк индикатор 7) анализ, разложение (изображения) анализировать, разлагать (изображение) to scan tape — выполнять механическую развёртку ленты - access scan - bidirectional scan - circular scan - conical scan - continuous scan - efevation scan - field scan - forward scan - frame scan - full-chip scan - full-wafer scan - helical scan - hybrid scan - learn-calibrated field scan - lexical scan - limited-sector scan - line scan - linear scan - mark scan - memory scan - radar scan - raster scan - reverse scan - sectored scan - sector scan - status scan - stepped scan - two-dimensional scan - wide-angle scan ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) сканирование; сканировать 2) считывание; считывать 3) развертывание; развертка – disk scan – divided-slit scan – HI-LITE scan – intro scan – previous disk scan – tape scan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) искать 2) поиск 3) разглядывание 4) разглядывать 5) сканирование 6) сканировать scan path circuitry — схемы диагностики sector scan indicator — тех. индикатор секторного обзора, индикатор секторного поиска - frame scan - micro-B scan - radar scan - raster scan - rotating-prism scan - scan frequency - scan line - step SCAN ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сканировать, просматривать 2) развертка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. изучающий взгляд 2. внимательное и подробное изучение, тщательное рассмотрение 3. комп. прогон, просмотр, поиск (на ЭВМ) after (at) a single scan —- за один прогон 4. мед. авторадиограмма (распределения меченого изотопа в организме) 5. эл. движущееся пятно на экране электронно-лучевой трубки 6. эл. развертка 7. бегло просматривать, пробегать глазами to scan the newspaper —- просмотреть газету 8. внимательно смотреть, рассматривать, разглядывать to scan smb.'s face —- вглядываться в чье-л. лицо, разглядывать кого-л. the sailor anxiously scanned the horizon —- моряк тревожно всматривался в горизонт to scan the political horizon —- образ. наблюдать за политической обстановкой to scan smb. from head to foot —- внимательно оглядывать кого-л. с головы до ног 9. изучать, подробно разбирать to scan a book closely —- внимательно изучать (вчитываться в) книгу to scan a picture minutely —- подробно разбирать картину to scan critically —- изучать (что-л.) критически 10. комп. прогонять, просматривать, проверять, сканировать to scan (through) a sentence from left to right —- просмотреть предложение слева направо 11. тлв. разлагать (изображение), сканировать 12. уст. критиковать, оценивать в соответствии с определенными правилами или нормами 13. скандировать; читать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) пристально разглядывать, изучать  2) бегло просматривать  3) скандировать; скандироваться (о стихах)  4) tv разлагать изображение; сканировать Syn: see examine ...
Англо-русский словарь


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